With prices going up the scale for almost all commodities, a need to find ways on how to save money is really necessary. Food as a basic necessity eats up a very large percentage of the family budget. But there are still a lot more ways to save on groceries and might as well save on gas too. Save on gas because if the supermarket or the grocery store is nearby, just walk to exercise as well. Now, here are some tips on how to save on grocery bills.
Always take a list of the items to be purchased. This way, only the necessities are bought and thus avoiding those not needed. Be disciplined enough to stick to the list.
Purchase by volume or bulk especially on staples. Some commodities are cheaper when bought by volume like detergent soaps, toilet papers, vegetables, meat products, cereals, juices and condiments. Just keep in mind what is frequently used.
Using collected coupons add up to savings, so, make it a habit to collect coupons from the papers. They are usually in the papers for promotional items or new products. Whether you like the promo item or not and just got curious about it, at least it was purchased at a discounted price.
Consider the items on sale but take note of the expiry dates especially on food stuffs. If the item is good in maybe a week or month before the expiration just like fresh milk, soy sauce or other seasonings, canned goods and condiments and other items , at least it must be a fast consumable.
Refrain from buying prepared foods but instead go for the staple food that is cheaper. Always consider which costs less, a prepared food or one that is prepared and cooked at home like a box of spaghetti and cheese. There is an advantage when food is home-cooked. It can be cooked more than enough for the whole family at a lesser cost.
Never shop when hungry. It is more likely to pick up that extra food stuff like chips or cookies that are expensive when the craving for food becomes intense. Better do shopping after a meal, mind is alert and can have good judgement and decision.
Do your shopping on the same store. Being familiar with the area on where to find the stuffs needed helps not to get items in the list and makes familiar with the prices. This also avoids buying stuffs not needed as you go along the lanes where there is always a temptation to pick them. And besides, knowing the area where needed stuffs are found is also time-saving.
Implementing all of these help beat high prices and still feast on the food you enjoy and in time can see the actual savings. The thing is, just be serious with the implementation and think of other ways than what are mentioned above and surely make that dollar go a long way for that food stuffs.
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